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Who Will Be Brave Enough to Stand Up to a Bully?

Writer: Heather CasimereHeather Casimere

I am an education researcher by day. One of our current projects asks school districts how they are preparing students to become civically engaged adults....People who can not only come to know and understand the truth of America's history but critically think and engage skills to become adults who are active in their local and federal government. When I was a kid, we learned about how the American government, to maintain democracy, is set up with a system of checks and balances. The Executive branch, the Legislative branch, and the Judicial branch. There are three branches in order to ensure that no one of them runs off and destroys that which is of the utmost importance to the American ideal said to be held in the highest regard: DEMOCRACY.

When people voted for a convicted criminal, racist, rapist who stands on no truth back into office, they aligned with the idea of TRUMPing the basic rights of many in order to bend over prostrate to be raped by the demonic idealogy of white supremacy, a belief that one "skin color", one "group" or "tribe" is predominant over all others, despite the evil they have perpetuated against all other groups to achieve such a status. This is a LIE, but not entirely unexpected, because it is demonic. The enemy, of course, is the "Father of Lies." What I wonder is, now that many are being affected by Donald Trump's insanity, being laid off from their jobs, seeing our environmental protections removed, seeing him make meager attempts to rewrite history, how many people are going to name the TRUTH? That they are so aligned with the hatred and fear in their own hearts that they would rather let this man destroy their livelihoods, their national parks, their environmental protections, and God knows what else, all because they have aligned with the heinous lie that "whiteness" trumps all other characteristics in the United States of America. I guarantee, if this man's last name was Smith, he would not be in the White House right now. Voters would have looked Donald Smith dead in the face and been like "I wouldn't let that criminal within 40 feet of any of my grandchildren." Donald Smith would be in jail, and the laughingstock of the country.

So now that that has been said, who among those who have been elected into these branches, [The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial] is going to stand up to the oath that they undertook? Who is going to stand up to this man who believes he can rape, pillage and steal as he pleases and not get away with it, because he is a White Man in America?

Who is going to stand up for what is right and true despite threats against them, their families, their children, their communities? Who is going to stand up and band together and say, "no, we will not yield to the profit of the 1% . We will go after the 99%?"

Who is going to be brave enough to stand up to a bully?

Standing up and doing the right thing requires grit and perseverance and discomfort and uncertainty. While not the most comfortable feelings, those like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks and Shirley Chisholm and John Lewis and Michelle and Barack Obama and Kamala Harris have dared to stand up against racists, rapists, bullies, and cowards in their time, in their own ways, and declare the truth.

Who in the system of checks and balances is going to reach down and find some courage, deep down, from somewhere, and realize that why they got into this line of work was in fact not to see democracy destroyed, but brought to completion? Who is going to say, "No, Donald, you are not going to destroy our national parks and our environmental protections and our social security and our office of defense and our basic rights, because I took an oath to protect our democracy, and so that is what I am going to do."

"You are from your father the devil, and you choose to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

John 8:44

For our[a] struggle is not against blood and flesh but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present[b] darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.[c]

Ephesians 6:12

“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

Matthew 22: 36-39

So, "Christian" nation. Life is not about accumulating all the STUFF and money we can at the sake of everyone else who gets in the way. Life is about serving God and others. So, American system of checks and balances, people who believe in some semblance of law and order, otherwise you would not have gone into the line of work you did, you have a choice to make: continue to rape, pillage, and steal, and face your maker in 10-20 years. Cause let's face it, that what most of you all have left on this earth.

Or...repent. Turn, try a new thing, and love one another. Stand up for the rights of your neighbors, even the ones who don't look like you. Care for one another. Ensure the rights of civic servants and government employees and those who faithfully served your country. Protect the rights of the elderly. If you want to really do God's work, love the poor, the desolate, and the needy.

"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land". 

2 Chronicles 7:14



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